Phoenix is a promising Elixir web framework that is fast and productive. I heard about Phoenix through a coworker a couple of weeks ago and started playing with it. Then stopped for a while, until I heard that the framework finally hit 1.0 on Hacker News. There were many praises for the framework and success stories that I thought I had to try it again.
This is a summary of what I did to set up Phoenix 1.0 on Mac OS X Yosemite (Version 10.10.5). I also included how I solved some odd errors that appeared during installation process.
$ brew install elixir
$ mix local.hex
$ mix archive.install
In this step, you might see this error.
** (Mix) Could not access url, error: {:failed_connect, [{:to_address, {'', 443}}, {:inet, [:inet], :nxdomain}]}
To solve this issue, you need to ensure that
~/.mix/archives directory
has write permission.Run
$ sudo chmod a+rw ~/.mix/archives/
then try running #3 again. -
Go into the directory where you want your Phoenix app to live.
$ mix hello_phoenix
Say yes to
Fetch and install dependencies? [Yn] y
You might see an error during this process. And most likely, it's happening because your Phoenix project directory doesn't have write permission.
$ sudo chmod -R a+rw hello_phoenix
. Then try running #5 again. -
$ npm install
with node > 0.12.0 -
Ensure that you have postgresql running.
$ mix ecto.create
You might get this error.
** (Mix) The database for HelloPhoenix.Repo couldn't be created, reason given: "psql: FATAL: role \"postgres\" is not permitted to log in\n".
$ psql postgres
In the psql, run
CREATE ROLE postgres;
Try running
$ mix ecto.create
again.You might get this error.
** (Mix) The database for HelloPhoenix.Repo couldn't be created, reason given: "psql: FATAL: role \"postgres\" is not permitted to log in\n".
In the psql, run
Try running
$ mix ecto.create
again.You might get this error.
** (Mix) The database for HelloPhoenix.Repo couldn't be created, reason given: "ERROR: permission denied to create database\n".
In the psql, run
Now try
$ mix ecto.create
againYou should see
The database for HelloPhoenix.Repo has been created.
$ mix phoenix.server
Go to http://localhost:4000/